We love this pic of Minder Family in St Pete and their testimonial at Christmas of all of their Bay Lake Doodles over the yrs
May 22 2010
My Family and I have bought 3 great Labradoodles from Marcia Mobley @ Bay Lake Doodle over last few years. Marcia has become a very well loved friend to all of us. Her pride of breeding these amazing dogs is well established in Orlando Fla. She has become a very welcomed guest of our family in our home for years. Our friends have gone to her. We trust her, we admire her, and I have represented her in 1 cases where another breeder tried to discredit her and told un truths in a social media site. It was totally unfounded and I was proud to call her a friend. I filed a rebuttal and proved in her defense that it was slander, Regards William Barnett Orlando Barkley & Barnett P,A. Go Gators
July 27th 2016
Dr. Kenneth Simmons DVM
Simmons Vet Hospital Green Acers Fl
Met Marcia back in 2009 and visited her home looking for well bred Labradoodle and found her out of 5 breeders to be what I was looking for in well bred tested dogs. Bought a Labradoodle named Benny for my son Christopher Simmons also a Vet in my hospital, we where impressed and I also bought 2 English Cream Golden Retrievers from Marcia. Superb pedigrees from Europe. We struck up a great friendship and my door is open for her to seek medical advise and friendship anytime.
Dr. Cindy Austin DVM (retired) 2015
Got my first Labradoodle Fred from Marcia, found myself driving to Orlando for my 2nd and lately my 3rd Doodle in 2017 and think so much about Marcia and her Bay Lake Doodles. She is very knowledgeable and overall a very fine breeder, proud to call her a friend !
As a 3rd time buyer from Marcia at Bay Lake Doodles we have the utmost respect for her , her knowledge and loving care for her dogs. She is the best and we have 3 experiences with her over last 14 yrs. Does not get better tha this, she cares she teaches us she directs us in best light and and our Doodles are healthy. Her home is filled with love and puppy laughter ALL THE TIME. Her girls that work with her luv these babies certainly not a backyard profit making scheme she spends what she has to to provide the best care, her vet is always ready to be there an reports how clean and clean her baby care program is her adults live long happy lives, they are her chldren. Marcia is there for you for many years and always will be. Dr. Jay Scofield Orlando Fl ,My family can reach out to her anytime.
Can not say enough about out 2 Doodles from Bay Lake and Marcia and her home and her Beautiful dogs they are the best and well cared for I have seen. So glad we found her in Fl she has become a valued friend and dog mama to us. Cathy & Mark Christen Vero Bch Fl 11/17/18
We love our 2 Bay Lake Doodles Marcia is so knowledgeable and hand on rearing her puppies. Never have we seen anything but a wonderful clean enviorrnment for her and her Doodles. I would have 5 more if I could ,nothing less than a Bay Lake Doodle . Our first was 2002 and 2nd was 2016. Thanks to Marcia we have a great dogs, its her ability to give her customer the best. Dr. Richard & Sonya Harrison Naples Fl